
ScrollReverserisaMacappthatreversesthedirectionofscrolling,withindependentsettingsfortrackpadsandmice(includingMagicMouse).,[安全更新]-加強應用程式安全性。[改善項目]-更新了數位簽章。[修正問題]-使用者現在能順利建立排定的備份任務,不會再誤觸「所選目的資料夾空間不足」的錯誤 ...,ImprovedtheremovalofoldnotificationsfromNotificationCenterinmoresituations.FixedabugwhereSettings>About>DeviceInfo...

Scroll Reverser for macOS

Scroll Reverser is a Mac app that reverses the direction of scrolling, with independent settings for trackpads and mice (including Magic Mouse).

QcalAgent - Apps發行說明

[安全更新] - 加強應用程式安全性。 [改善項目] - 更新了數位簽章。 [修正問題] - 使用者現在能順利建立排定的備份任務,不會再誤觸「所選目的資料夾空間不足」的錯誤 ...

iPhone Release Notes - Things Support

Improved the removal of old notifications from Notification Center in more situations. Fixed a bug where Settings > About > Device Info wouldn't work on iOS ...

BusyCal - Professional Calendar App for Mac and iOS

BusyCal supports macOS Notification Center alarms, but it also goes a step further with its own powerful alert window. Packed with advanced features and ...

Chinese Lunar Calendar

評分 3.6 (115,395) · 免費 · Android Chinese Lunar Calendar Features: 1,Exchange Solar Calendar and Lunar Calendar; 2,Record the important days and dates; 3,Check the weather report of your city.

Chinese Calendar for Notification Center

Compatible with iOS 5, 6 and 7. A lunar calendar for notification center. Chinese only. Any issues or suggestions, please email me, or contact me on twitter ...

iOS8必裝] iOS7與iOS8通知中心也能出現中國農民曆技巧「Chinese ...

▽ Cydia 搜尋「Chinese」,會找到「Chinese Calendar Pro for NotificationCenter」,iOS8需v1.6-1以上才能支援,再將它購買安裝起來,如果不會購買 ...


可以通过两种方式来安装本插件:. 在Cydia搜索Chinese Calendar for Notification Center即可找到本插件;; 从源代码编译并安装到设备中。

What Is China's DeepSeek and Why Is It Freaking Out the AI World?

DeepSeek, a Chinese artificial-intelligence startup that's just over a year old, has stirred awe and consternation in Silicon Valley.